Tag Archives: The King of the pit


5-17-2009 12;15;23 PM    May 17th, 2009.

As the extent of my criminal life, which would be a D.U.I ten years before this event from one drink mickey. that kinda ended the drinking for good while. I said a few words about that drink being open but this so called friend of mine said the bar tender opened it but didn’t put anything in it. He failed to mention that he did. I later found out after a cousin over heard the confession.  So when the attorney who held his own claims in this matter said. “I know you’ve done something wrong before so tell me what it was.  The time spent thinking angered this lawyer. Well, no matter the lawsuit apparently needed us to be criminals. None of the allegations here are real, still it served a dirty deed of need.  Here’s the 1st page of charges. These charges were extensive and included child neglect, a homeless condition ie., living in a camper behind the toxic home, drug abuse namely crack, cocaine, Marijuana, and medical prescription abuse. Hey we never used medicine till Gaylord decided an open air no warning given disposal was the way to go.  It was later said there wasn’t any record  of this. I do now occasionally have a drink to whatever it may offer.

Still at that time, for the sake of corporate greed and almighty dollar, we were destined to a life in prison after our arrest. But wait, everyone including us were sure we were good as dead, so a lot of what to do meant standing before a jury with the facts, you know the truth. Instead we were told since we were going to die by 2000 any way to leave the attorneys and the class alone. That our child was too young to inherit that kind of money. That’s like the judge who told Jane her medical records had gone away to a place where when somethings lost its never found so his decisions would be made without review of any medical record.  Go Figure. These actions occurred after the completion of discovery. But your honor, you crooked bastard. Were sure those  records could be had from civil action 251-96-493 and 251-98-1061 in Hinds county, where you and the state conspire to extort you dumb shit. After all you sleazy excuse of an inhuman being ass hole the court used it to gain millions for Jane’s medical injuries. It is deeply regrettable we are treated in a manner the death of a family is preferable to state, federal or constitutional rights of law.